The Parents’ Association has a long trajectory in Cambridge College Lima.
Formed during the school’s first year, the association brings together all of the parents or guardians of our currently enrolled students and is directed by an elected Governing Body – Junta Directiva.
In the early years the association’s activity included the organization of the annual School Fair and participation in the Fee and Scholarship Committee and also the Administrative Council of Cambridge Foundation.
Now, a formally registered and recognized Civil Association, these original activities continue to today an in addition parents participate in a series of other school committees, becoming involved in Social Responsibility, Environmental and Health and Nutrition issues.
Similarly, the association has representatives on the committee that oversees the Sports area and the school Uniform.
Additionally, each class has two parents who represent the views and opinions of the whole parent body during meetings with Heads of Level, Year Coordinators and the Headmaster.
The Class Representatives also support teachers during school trips and help the Governing Body organize the School Fair.